Słowa kluczowe:
God, history, emergence, context, discussionAbstrakt
This article focuses on methodology, and the deliberations presented herein are ai-med at presenting how emergent phenomena are generated. A slightly different perspective on the idea of existence of God and on history leads to a conclusion that religion is more and more often replaced by history. This has its practical repercussions, as the lack of philosophical deba-tes regarding the impact of science on faith and transcendence hinders and sometimes even prevents intellectual development of the society. It is because discussions on abstract issues break mental barriers, thus opposing a schematic and stereotypical way of thinking. Post-modernism is characterised by the fact that more and more people with a limited knowledge express their views on issues of vital importance to the society. The conclusion: citizens of a democratic country who look out to the future should be inspired to hold discussions, debates and disputations, which will give them a sense of belonging to the society.