sustainable development, animal protection, environmentAbstract
Sustainable development is closely related to animal welfare. Animal wel- fare is defined as a condition in which the animal cope with the conditions in which it lives. The animal is in good condition if (as scientific evidence suggests) is healthy, does not suffer discomfort, is well-nourished, safe, able to express innate behavior, does not feel pain, fear or anxiety.The issue of animal welfare has been regulated in a number of legal acts. At the EU level, these issues are primarily regulated by the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and a series of directives. At the Polish level, environmental protection has been regulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, without mentioning animal rights. This matter is regulated in de- tail by the Act on the Protection of Animal Rights.De lege ferneda, we should consider greater guarantees related to compliance with the law and sanctions related to inhu- mane farming of livestock or inhuman killing.