
  • Grzegorz Chrószcz University of Applied Sciences in Raciborz


Bolesław Koskowski, USA, press, journalism


The war in Europe, triggered by Russia's armed attack on Ukraine, has once
again caused us to witness a clash of two ideologies that determine our lives. After 1945,
when the „Iron Curtain” fell in Europe, the international community realized that the
world they had known until then had become a thing of the past. The hegemon of the
communist world was the USSR, which, with the help of puppet governments
completely subordinated to itself, implemented its international policy based on violence
and blackmail. The concepts of human rights, freedom, equality were slogans that were brutally suppressed among demanding societies. On the opposite side of the barricade
was the „free world” of the West, headed by its leader, the United States. Ruined after
World War II, Europe, thanks to Washington's involvement in the political, military, and
economic and financial sectors, took advantage of the opportunity it faced. With respect
for human rights, civil liberties, freedoms and equality, societies, and states not only
European, but also those that were in alliance and agreements with the United States
could develop in peace. At the same time, the leader of the Western „free world” had
a huge responsibility. After the end of World War II, the Washington establishment,
taught by experience, did not want to make the mistakes of the administrations of
Presidents Thomas Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and decided to end
the era of isolationism embodied in the doctrine of James Monroe. After both 1918 and
1945, isolated Europe needed US help and support. Today, U.S. leadership in ensuring
international security and order in the political-military dimension is not questioned
internationally. Long before the outbreak of World War II, Bolesław Koskowski drew
attention to this aspect. In his numerous articles published in „Kurier Warszawski”, the
largest daily in the country, he drew attention to the spectre of the danger of another
armed conflict on the European continent threatening Moscow and Berlin. This eminent
journalist demanded in his articles that American diplomacy be more active in European
affairs. According to Koskowski, the U.S. involvement in the affairs of the Old
Continent was an opportunity for further economic development and maintaining
security and international peace in the world.

