fractal marketing, post-marketing, expectations, marketing research, emergent phenomenaAbstract
All we have to accept the transience that makes even the most revolutionary concepts and ideas and ideas fall into oblivion. However, at first, there are premises that destroy existing structures, there are more and more of them later, and finally newways of organizing processes in society become obvious to everyone. This regularity can also be applied to marketing, because its current form has already fullfilled its role and other, more effective methods of influencing buyers should be sought, i.e. not meeting their needs, but meeting the expectations of: customers, consumers, customers, patients, fans, faithful to people called: producers, medicians, teachers, partners, artists, scientists and clergy. The change of marketing interests from the needs to expectations can be called - "post-marketing". The article characterizes: emergent research; ways of creating models of marketing behavior and new forms of marketing research in order to obtain information necessary to create innovative product forms and ways of advertising in a company.