ORCiD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a digital identifier used to find a scientist in electronic resources. Thanks to it, it is possible to precisely identify one's scientific achievements, eliminate the problem of duplicate names of authors and eliminate different versions of the name and surname.
The identifier consists of 16 digits divided into 4 parts and it has a URL format (e.g.: Stephen Hawking's ORCID is https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9079-593X). The author's profile consists of a short profile of the researcher (biography, keywords, website of the author or institution, identifiers in other systems) and a list of publications, projects and grants.
Each author sets up his account individually and defines the scope of data visible to other users. After creating an account you should assign your publications to it and make sure you keep the information up-to-date.
What makes ORCiD useful?
- It gives precise identification of the achievements of a specific scientist.
- It facilitates the identification of authors in the case of:
- name changes, surnames.
- containing diacritics,
- distinguishing the achievements of different scientists in the same field.
- It enables automatic data exchange between the researcher's profile in ORCiD and the profiles in the Web of Science database (ResearcherID) and in the Scopus database.
- It shows the author's scientific achievements.
How to get an ORCiD?
- Go to the website www.orcid.org
- Complete the registration form (https://orcid.org/register) as instructed.
- Determine who can see your profile:
- everyone – public profile (data is visible to everyone),
- trusted parties – only for the invited visitors (data is visible only to selected recipients),
- only me – private profile (data is only visible to the profile owner).
- You will receive a message to the e-mail address provided, asking you to confirm the created profile.
- Complete the profile with biographical data, education, employment, information about projects and grants in which you participated. Make sure to include your
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